Potential errors are silenced in your project

More information: https://insight.symfony.com/what-we-analyse/php.silenced_error

  1. return;
  2. }
  3. $size = \strlen($fc);
  4. $time = false !== \filemtime($file) ? \filemtime($file) : \time();
  5. $date = @\date('YmdHisO', $time);

    Adding "@" before \date('YmdHisO', $time) prevents warning and errors during this function execution from being displayed.
    If you need to do that, you should probably implement a better way to qualify and recover from errors, using Exceptions.

    Time to fix: about 4 hours
    Read doc Permalink
    Last edited by Andreas Müller
  6. $md = 'D:' . \substr($date, 0, -2) . "'" . \substr($date, -2) . "'";
  7. $this->putNewObj();
  8. $info['n'] = $this->objectNumber;
  9. $this->put('<<');