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Once you get your first analysis, you'll realize that your application has probably some important issues to fix. In the meantime, your application code will continue to grow and new issues will arise.
Adding SymfonyInsight to your development process is a great way to manage and monitor technical debt, during the whole life of your project.
Project development is usually a team work. But if only one developer in the team can access the quality analyses, then the overall developer skill won't progress.
It's important to share the analysis results with every developer in the team, and that's the purpose of collaborators. Your collaborators can read the analyses of your private projects, run new analyses, and comment on the violations. They can't, however, change your projects configuration, or add a new project.
When Insight audits an application, it runs a deep static and dynamic code analysis that generates two results: the basic scoring and the full report.
The basic scoring is the overall quality grade of an application - bronze, silver, gold, or platinum (see example scorings). A scoring also includes a few project metrics and the critical security suggestions.
The full report is the detail of issues found during the analysis. It gives precise insight on the weaknesses of an application, useful guidance on how to fix them, and the exact location of all issues. A full report also contains graphs about the evolution of the application quality.