How does SymfonyInsight work?

Automate risk detection.
Prevent critical problems.

Every time your team write code, SymfonyInsight starts a new analysis
SymfonyInsight fetches your code and analyses it in a dedicated container
You and your team are notified of the analysis result as soon as it is available
You can then deploy the new code safely in production

The most advanced analysis of Symfony projects

As the creators of Symfony, we put all of our expertise in building the most advanced analysis tool for Symfony projects. We detect potential issues with high accuracy and detailed explainations.

Exceptionally detailed reports for you and your team

Static code analysis offers a limited view of your project quality. Our state-of-the-art dynamic analysis engine goes one step further and boots your applications to learn much more about how they work.

Monitor risks and growth with ease

Monitoring your projects evolution is difficult and time consuming. We designed SymfonyInsight to do it for you and warn you only when necessary. We stay on guard so you don't have to.

Everything to protect your team and your projects


Avoid security breaches

A security breach can be a serious threat to your business. It harms your credibility and can even lead to data leaks and lawsuits.
SymfonyInsight helps you detect security vulnerabilities before they reach production and setup the tools to mitigate breaches if they happen.
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Data leaks

Avoid data leaks and ensure data integrity

Data leaks are one of the worst possible scenario for your business. It exposes your customers sensitive information, gives your competitors a detailed understanding of how your business work and hurt your reputation.
SymfonyInsight warns you about the code that may be the source of data leaks at your application level.
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Avoid downtimes and major bugs

Downtimes and bugs give a feeling of instability to your customers. They will develop a fear towards your product and when this fear becomes too strong, they will use your competitor instead. Avoiding downtimes is critical for your business in the long term.
SymfonyInsight finds potential sources of major bugs and downtimes and alerts you to prevent them reaching production.
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Avoid slow productivity and negative growth

The accumulation of technical obstacles in your project can lead to slower iterations and decrease the productivity of your team. It prevents the release of new features and can even reach levels where your project needs to be restarted entirely.
SymfonyInsight helps your developers writing code that is standard and safe over time. It ensures your code does not accumulate technical debt and that it does not rely on unstable features of your dependencies.
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Ensure technical issues do not have negative repercussions on your brand

When technical issues happen, it is essential that you configured tools to handle them properly. Not doing so could hurt your reputation and show a lack of professionalism to your customers.
SymfonyInsight helps you set up your project correctly so that even if you have technical problems in production, these are properly handled.
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