Text files should end with a valid new line character. 8

More information: https://insight.symfony.com/what-we-analyse/missing_e_o_l

  1. tags:
  2. jobs:
  3. ci:
  4. uses: laminas/workflow-continuous-integration/.github/workflows/continuous-integration.yml@1.x
  5. This file ends with no newline character, or with a different newline character than other files in your project. It won't render properly on a terminal, and it's considered a bad practice.

    Time to fix: about 15 minutes
    Read doc Open Issue Permalink
  1. - name: Build Docs
  2. uses: dotkernel/documentation-theme/github-actions/docs@main
  3. env:
  4. DEPLOY_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  5. GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  6. This file ends with no newline character, or with a different newline character than other files in your project. It won't render properly on a terminal, and it's considered a bad practice.

    Time to fix: about 15 minutes
    Read doc Open Issue Permalink
in SECURITY.md, line 38
  1. - We will patch the current release branch, as well as the immediate prior minor
  2. release branch.
  3. - After patching the release branches, we will immediately issue new security
  4. fix releases for each patched release branch.

    This file ends with no newline character, or with a different newline character than other files in your project. It won't render properly on a terminal, and it's considered a bad practice.

    Time to fix: about 15 minutes
    Read doc Open Issue Permalink
    Last edited by nati
in docs/book/index.md, line 1
  1. ../../README.md

    This file ends with no newline character, or with a different newline character than other files in your project. It won't render properly on a terminal, and it's considered a bad practice.

    Time to fix: about 15 minutes
    Read doc Open Issue Permalink
    Last edited by nati
  1. ConsoleRunner::run(
  2. new SingleManagerProvider($entityManager),
  3. $commands
  4. );
  5. This file ends with no newline character, or with a different newline character than other files in your project. It won't render properly on a terminal, and it's considered a bad practice.

    Time to fix: about 15 minutes
    Read doc Open Issue Permalink
  1. # Installation
  2. Install dotkernel/dot-data-fixtures by executing the following Composer command in your project directory:
  3. $ composer require dotkernel/dot-data-fixtures
  4. This file ends with no newline character, or with a different newline character than other files in your project. It won't render properly on a terminal, and it's considered a bad practice.

    Time to fix: about 15 minutes
    Read doc Open Issue Permalink
  1. # Overview
  2. `dot-data-fixtures` provides a CLI interface for interacting with doctrine/data-fixtures.
  3. Executing fixtures will append data to the tables.
  4. This file ends with no newline character, or with a different newline character than other files in your project. It won't render properly on a terminal, and it's considered a bad practice.

    Time to fix: about 15 minutes
    Read doc Open Issue Permalink
in docs/book/v1/usage.md, line 73
  1. - by dependencies
  2. Please refer to this link for further details on ordering fixtures:
  3. https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-data-fixtures/en/latest/how-to/fixture-ordering.html#fixture-ordering
  4. This file ends with no newline character, or with a different newline character than other files in your project. It won't render properly on a terminal, and it's considered a bad practice.

    Time to fix: about 15 minutes
    Read doc Open Issue Permalink